Mar 20, 2011

Fruit Fly Farm

I was never good at keeping plants or fish alive. I do well with dogs or other large mammals but in general I'm not a good farmer or care giver. Until now. Apparently I am an excellent fruit fly farmer. I know what you are thinking. Landfill. Well, the landfill is no more. Yesterday (in broad daylight mind you) I decided to find a dumping ground for my garbage, or rubbish as they say here. I have an advantage that the other tenants do not, I am a student so therefore I must look like a student, right? So I can just nonchalantly walk my tuition paying ass over to the student apartment trashcans next door. Easy as that. In yo face rubbish. But...garbage gone - fruit flies remain. Hearty little fuckers. Hopefully I don't have to pay a pet deposit.

This scenario filled my melon as a fellow tutor and I discussed our current living situations as a 1st yr. undergrad student listened in as she painted. Said tutor and I discussed the absence of dishwashers, minuscule square footage (meters?), and general lack of lavishness from our present lives. Young students says, "God, it sounds like you live in a garbage can."

Indeed young student, we do live in a garbage can of sorts. We are grownups with art degrees and this is what you have to look forward to...losing your grip and slowly slipping towards the bottom of the food chain. See ya in 10 yrs.