Mar 17, 2011
Rooftop Skate Park
This is the building across the street. Interesting architecture don't you think? It's an office building of some sort...during the day. At night apparently drunken punks think it's a rooftop skate park. Hey, if I was 18 yrs. old and drunk on 8% nz beer and whip-its or whatever kids do around here for fun, I'd probably want to grab the nearest skateboard, climb on the awning, and attempt some ollies too but I'm not. No, I'm the 35 yr. woman trying to get some shut eye at 4am whose already stressed to the max about teaching 40 1st yr. undergrads how to look at color in regards to painting.
I had to close the curtains before witnessing one of them (probably one of my students by the way) eat shit and meet their maker in one of the ground floor planters. I've seen enough shit in my lifetime without having to worry about erasing that nightmare from my mind. But hey, you know what is better than being woken up by those jerks? How about The Adelaide smoke alarms going off at 6:30am? Apparently the alarms get fussy when it rains. Weird, cuz it rains like everyday. Seems like maintenance would have cracked that nut by now.